
Methods To Discover More About Baby Talk Doll And Consequently Become A Wizard Now

By Herman Wells

Babies really can learn to read beginning at around 3 months of age. I study the guide, "How to Educate Your Baby to Study," and I was curious to know if they really could learn to study. Having already had other kids and seeing how smart infants are and how much they are capable of learning, I thought it was definitely possible. Every thing in the book made sense, so when I acquired my son, I set out to see if this was true.

This has been such a fun and amazing experience. I love to share what babies are capable of with others. We underestimate all they can learn. I used the morning diaper changes to show him materials, so I wasn't doing this all day. A few minutes here and there a few times a day was all it took. I did learn how to incorporate some of these methods into regular play time, which benefited him greatly.

I looked at what I was performing as a scientific experiment, but it was so a lot much more than that. We began by watching movies that educate babies to read. I had my son watch a video each morning when he woke up. That was simple sufficient. He watched for half an hour while I tended to the other children.

Then he said, "Up", as he looked right at that word. That was the first recognition I received. From that point forward, once his language skills developed, he was reading single words all the time. At 18 months previous he began to study sentences, followed by publications at 2 years previous.

I then added in displaying him some flash cards after diaper changes. The authors of the book recommend showing one set of 5 flash cards three occasions per day and then adding sets until you are showing five different sets of five 3 times a day. This is the easiest way to teach baby to speak. That just didn't work for us. My son was very thinking about looking at flash playing cards and homemade books that were designed to teach him to read.

All this time, I never asked him what anything mentioned. I just gave and gave to him, trusting that at some point I'd know what the outcome was. When he was 12 months old, I was holding up a sentence card I acquired made him that mentioned, "Joshua can put his arms up." I used to be holding it up and getting ready to read it when I saw his eyes scanning the card from left to proper.

I'd show him about twenty cards at a time. Following the playing cards we would look at one from the books I had made him. I didn't know if it was working, but he loved it. I enjoyed showing him all these materials because he was so interested in seeing much more.

When he could walk at 10 months, he began to bring me stacks and stacks of his reading books to read to him. Sometimes we'd look at five books or much more at a time. I certainly was not forcing him to study. This was something that he loved and I would have to tell him no much more some occasions.

I made him some videos that showed phrases he had currently learned and he viewed those a couple of times a week. We played on the beach and I wrote words in the sand. I wrote him notes on the dry erase board and read them to him.

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