
Barbie Toys: First on your list of toys

By Errol Merv

A child's life circles around toys, they say a childhood with no toys will indicate future personality problems upon growing up. Toys is not only limited to children, adults and even pets play with toys. Adult humans are mostly fascinated with different toys, familiar amongst them are stuffed toys-these are huggable representation commonly of animals or characters. When we speak of toys and play, Barbie lands on the top of the list. Barbie is reported to be the most famous and marketable. They are commonly popular among girls, Barbie toys are distinctly unique because they now come in different forms or themes, Barbie toys or commonly known as Barbie dolls is what we are going to tackle in this article. It is also important that we know where and when Barbie was conceptualized and created, few facts will help us understand how Barbie became as popular as a celebrity.

1955 was when Barbie was born; a couple was watching their daughter play with paper dolls, before all children dolls were in the form of a baby until Barbie was born. The couple saw their little girl gave her paper doll adult responsibilities. The mother, Ruth Handler, also co-founder of Mattel Inc., suggested producing adult paper dolls to her husband. Hence, Barbie was created dated March 9. 1959, she was also inspired by Bild Lilli, a doll famous in Germany.

Like what was said, Barbie has been with us for such a long time that she already stood for so many roles in many different categories, roles like a character she personified as a politician and as a cheerleader in the world of sports. Other categories where she was present are arts, education and entertainment, military and medical.

Mattel Inc, makers of Barbie, has even gotten Barbie lots of friends and there have been releases of her family members including 6 of her siblings. There are many Barbie Toys series that became a massive hit not just to children but adults as well. A few has made Barbie a collectible material. There are also accessories that Barbie owned; she has pretty pink vehicles including convertible, jeep and trailer. She also has more or less 40 weird pets. Her popularity made way to creating different collectible items as wristwatches, ornaments, cameras, apparels, clothing and children's bags. She is the subject of a well-known song; she gets attention everywhere she goes.

Barbie has been through a lot of controversies and lawsuits but despite all that, she still remains as one of little girl's favorite doll in the whole world. Every time a young woman receives a Barbie gift, she is surely to jump for joy. Barbie dolls are available in so many places until now. There probably isn't a doll more famous than Barbie and that's a fact.

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